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HarmonyTALK Podcast Episode #47: Teachers By Day, Performers By Night: The String Queens

Praised for its authentic, soulful, and orchestral sound, The String Queens is a dynamic trio that creates stimulating musical experiences that inspire audiences to love, hope, feel, and imagine! With an array of repertoire spanning from the Baroque era to the Jazz Age to today’s Billboard Hot 100 Chart, TSQ performs versatile programs that take the listeners on a rousing musical journey through time and a multitude of musical genres. In this episode, hear Kendall Isadore (violin), Élise Sharp (cello), and Dawn Johnson (viola) speak with Greg Frigoletto about their fascinating journey from their day jobs as educators to world-class performers.  These “school teachers by day and concert performers by night” have graced the stages of renowned venues such as Carnegie Hall, the Hollywood Bowl, and The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The String Queens episode of HarmonyTALK is sure to educate, motivate, and inspire its listeners!




Reflect and Imagine: Prompts to Inspire Your Next Step

What would be one thing you would want to tell an aspiring performing artist? 

Hear directly from The String Queens:

What would be one thing you would want to tell an aspiring educator?

If you had the opportunity, what would you tell your younger self in regard to pursuing your dreams?


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